The thing is, if a real estate sales representative makes you feel good by suggesting a price that is actually unrealistic and unattainable, there’s no real downside to him. He can later start bringing you substantially lower offers and urge you to accept them. On the other hand, pricing a property too low is a costly mistake.  We monitor sales prices day to day in every neighbourhood in the Ottawa Region, we establish prices for over 500 homes each year (more than any other real estate sales representative in the Ottawa Region), and, as just said, we have a terrific track record of getting the asking prices established.  In short, we are proven to bring “Truth In Pricing”.  We know what a home can and will be sold for.  We give our clients truthful, frank advice on price AND we negotiate “tough” with buyers to get our price paid.

You should go with the real estate sales representative who proves he or she can accurately predict the top dollar price your home should sell for – and then get it.

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